
My name is John Wu.
I am an aspiring astrophysicist.


Photo of me

I am a Ph.D. student studying physics and astronomy at Rutgers. I research star formation in massive galaxy clusters with Andrew Baker.

Although we usually picture galaxies as intricate collections of bright stars, galaxies also host lots of gas, dust, and dark matter. Cold gas and dust are often found in regions of ongoing star formation.

I use observations of galaxies taken at submillimeter/millimeter wavelengths to understand star formation and the growth of galaxies. In particular, I am investigating gas properties and star formation activity in a sample of massive, Sunyaev-Zel’dovich decrement-selected galaxy clusters.

Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the El Gordo cluster

I also coordinate the Student Seminars in Physics and Astronomy at Rutgers, a series of informal talks given by graduate students to other students for practicing public speaking and giving research seminars.